Vintage Blue and White Decorative Lifering 10""
Vintage Blue and White Decorative Lifering 10""
Vintage Blue and White Decorative Lifering 10""
Vintage Blue and White Decorative Lifering 10""

Vintage Blue and White Decorative Lifering 10""

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Vintage Blue and White Decorative Lifering 10""

Product ID: 4077 Item ID: Antique-Lifering-Blue-10 Weight: 1 LB Dimensions: 10" L x 1.5" W x 10" H

Perfect for bringing a comforting beach lifestyle into your home or office, the Antique Blue and White Decorative Lifering 10" is the ideal piece to create that soothing ocean mood in any beach theme home. Lightweight foam construction will make this beach home accent, a conversation starter when guests walk through your door. Transform any room into a seaworthy experience without the water. This rustic style life ring is accented by rope where bands are typically placed. This lifering can easily be hung by the weathered grab rope to accent a wall in a beach home.

Dimensions: 10" L x 1.5" W x 10" H

NOTE: For decoration only, this is not a life saving device. Wall mounting hardware not included.

NOTE: This item is small, only 10". Please measure this size yourself to ensure it is appropriate for your intended purchase.

Lightweight foam construction for easy hanging
Weathered rope is wrapped around vintage life ring
Traditional design maintains classic nautical appeal



We ship all stock models within 3-7 days from the day you place your order. Transit time is from 5-7 days depending on your location. Please allow 2-3 days in addition for processing time.

We ship all custom models within 8-10 weeks from the day you place your order. Transit time is 7-10 days depending on your location. Please allow 2-3 days in addition for processing time.


Yes. We can ship internationally but you must send us a message first with a link to the product (s) you want to order from our website and we will send you a quote for shipping. If you agree we then create a custom link for your order so you can place the order. You must provide us with a phone number for the shipping company after you place the order as we can not ship Internationally without a phone number. Allow an extra 7-10 days for delivery beyond the regular shipping time. WE ARE NOT responsible for any additional fees that may be incurred by Customs at destination. We urge you to check with your local postal service in your respective country before you order. In the event you do not claim your merchandise and it is returned you will be responsible for the shipping costs and restocking fees and any additional fees incurred while the merchandise gets returned. Please do provide us with a good phone number when you place your international orders in order to include it in the shipping documents as we can not ship without a phone number.


We thank you for taking the time to view our crafts. We are blessed by customers like you who support our small business. From the Master Craftsmen and women that pick the wood and create the wonderful models you see to the people that make it possible for you to view our items on the web. We are grateful and we THANK YOU!. God bless you.