1945 Willys CJ-2A Overland Open Frame Jeep Model
1945 Willys CJ-2A Overland Open Frame Jeep Model
1945 Willys CJ-2A Overland Open Frame Jeep Model
1945 Willys CJ-2A Overland Open Frame Jeep Model
1945 Willys CJ-2A Overland Open Frame Jeep Model
1945 Willys CJ-2A Overland Open Frame Jeep Model
1945 Willys CJ-2A Overland Open Frame Jeep Model
1945 Willys CJ-2A Overland Open Frame Jeep Model
1945 Willys CJ-2A Overland Open Frame Jeep Model

1945 Willys CJ-2A Overland Open Frame Jeep Model

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1945 Willys CJ-2A Overland Open Frame Jeep Model


Dimension L: 11.5 W: 5 H: 6.5 Inches

With the close of WWII now eminent, Willys-Overland began to consider the development of a civilian jeep that it could market beyond the scope of the militarized MB, leading to the first mass-production of the CJ-2A in 1945. Our Willys CJ-2A Jeep model is handmade out of tin. It features many intricate exterior parts such as fenders, wheels, grills, headlights, spare tires, storage compartment, and a unique open holes frame. For the interior, it includes seats, steering wheel, stick shift, and small details on dash. Display this model anywhere you like and it will surely make a conversational piece. It's truly a must-have for the collector and enthusiast!

In June 1940, with World War II on the horizon, the U.S. Army solicited bids from 135 automakers for a 1/4 ton “light reconnaissance vehicle” tailored to Army specifications. Only three companies responded – Bantam, Willys, and Ford – but, within a year’s time they collectively produced the template for the vehicle known worldwide as the “jeep.” The first Willys MB Jeeps were produced in 1941, making it the oldest off-road vehicle ever made, and the first civilian models were produced in 1945. It inspired a number of other light utility vehicles, such as the Land Rover which is the second oldest 4-wheel-drive brand. Many Jeep variants serving similar military and civilian roles have since been created in other nations.





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