1961 E Type Jaguar Model Car Metal Handmade
1961 E Type Jaguar Model Car Metal Handmade
1961 E Type Jaguar Model Car Metal Handmade
1961 E Type Jaguar Model Car Metal Handmade
1961 E Type Jaguar Model Car Metal Handmade
1961 E Type Jaguar Model Car Metal Handmade
1961 E Type Jaguar Model Car Metal Handmade
1961 E Type Jaguar Model Car Metal Handmade
1961 E Type Jaguar Model Car Metal Handmade
1961 E Type Jaguar Model Car Metal Handmade

1961 E Type Jaguar Model Car Metal Handmade

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1961 E-Type Jaguar Model Car Metal Handmade


Dimension L: 13 W: 5 H: 4 Inches

The Jaguar E-Type, or the Jaguar XK-E for the North American market, is a British sports car that was manufactured by Jaguar Cars Ltd between 1961 and 1975. Its combination of beauty, high performance, and competitive pricing established the model as an icon of the motoring world. This 1961 E-Type model is handmade in the tin frame and painted with a British flag color scheme. The model has seats as well as a steering wheel and minor details on the dash. The exterior details such as wheels, headlights, turn signals, front and rear bumper reinforcement are securely welded on. This famous Jaguar E-Type was a feature in Austin Powers films and the television series Mad Men. It is also ranked in The Daily Telegraph online list of the world's "100 most beautiful cars" of all time! A must-have for the collector and enthusiast!

The E-Type was based on Jaguar's D-Type racing car, which had won the 24 Hours of Le Mans three consecutive years beginning 1955, and employed what was, for the early 1960s, a novel racing design principle, with a front subframe carrying the engine, front suspension and front bodywork bolted directly to the body tub. On its release in March 1961, Enzo Ferrari called it "the most beautiful car ever made". In 2004, Sports Car International magazine placed the E-Type at number one on their list of Top Sports Cars of the 1960s.





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