1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7
1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7

1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7

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1942 Indian Model 741 Grey Motorcycle 1:7

SKU AJ024 Dimension L: 12 W: 4.75 H: 5.75 Inches

The 1942 Indian Model 741 motorcycle was a military bike built for use in World War II. The 741 is based on a civilian Thirty-Fifty model. It used Indian's conventional V-twin design with a hand-shifted three-speed transmission with a foot-operated clutch. Our 741 model is handcrafted of metal. It is painted grey and has a scale of 1:7. It features intricate details such as spoke wheels, seat, lightweight frame, pedals, storage compartment, and a windscreen. A must-have for the collector and enthusiast!

• 100% iron frame
• Metal wheels
• Wheels roll
• Decaled insignia
• Exterior details such as the gun and ammo pouches are securely welded on

The Indian Scout is a motorcycle built by the Indian Motorcycle Company from 1920 to 1949. It rivaled the Chief as Indian's most important model. The 1942 Indian Model 741 motorcycle was a military bike built for use in World War II. The 741 is based on a civilian Thirty-Fifty model. It used Indian's conventional V-twin design with a hand-shifted three-speed transmission with a foot-operated clutch. Quoted military Indian production was close to 10,000 units in 1942, the vast majority for US Army or use by allies. But a few Chiefs were hitched to sidecars, painted gray, and used by the US Navy. Between 2001 and 2003, the Indian Motorcycle Company of America, based in Gilroy, California, built a Scout model using a proprietary engine and transmission parts.



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