Wall-E Metal Robot
SKU AJ077 Dimension L: 8 W: 6 H: 9 Inches
Wall-E is a Disney Pixar character from the movie Wall-E in 2008. He is the last robot left on Earth. Wall-E is programmed to clean up the planet by collecting trash. In fact, Wall-E stands for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class. In simple terms, he is a robot that collects trash on Earth.
This Wall-E model collects and saves coins for a rainy day instead of collecting trash. This a great model of the well-known robot as well as a secure coin bank. This bank is 8 by 6 by 9 inches in dimensions. This coin bank is like any other bank, coins enter through a slit on top and coins could be emptied by removing the rubber cork under it. This model comes with another character from Wall-E as well, Hal, Wall-E’s cockroach friend. Hal can be placed anywhere on Wall-E because he is magnetic. Wall-E’s head can be tilted up or down as well. If you love this movie, this is a great way to show it..
We ship all stock models within 3-7 days from the day you place your order. Transit time is from 5-7 days depending on your location. Please allow 2-3 days in addition for processing time.
We ship all custom models within 8-10 weeks from the day you place your order. Transit time is 7-10 days depending on your location. Please allow 2-3 days in addition for processing time.
Yes. We can ship internationally but you must send us a message first with a link to the product (s) you want to order from our website and we will send you a quote for shipping. If you agree we then create a custom link for your order so you can place the order. You must provide us with a phone number for the shipping company after you place the order as we can not ship Internationally without a phone number. Allow an extra 7-10 days for delivery beyond the regular shipping time. WE ARE NOT responsible for any additional fees that may be incurred by Customs at destination. We urge you to check with your local postal service in your respective country before you order. In the event you do not claim your merchandise and it is returned you will be responsible for the shipping costs and restocking fees and any additional fees incurred while the merchandise gets returned. Please do provide us with a good phone number when you place your international orders in order to include it in the shipping documents as we can not ship without a phone number.
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